03 26 58 21 85

The recipes of the H.Dépaux & Fils Champagne House in Vincelles

« La galette des rois à l'amande » by Cyril Lignac with the champagne cuvée Héritage demi-sec

The ingredients for 4 people :

Puff pastry:

  • 2 rolls of puff pastry
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Almond cream :

  • 100g ground almonds
  • 20g almond milk
  • 12g cornstarch or custard powder
  • 80g icing sugar
  • 60g egg
  • 80g butter at room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Syrup :

  • 100g of water
  • 100g of sugar

On the utensil side, you will need: a baking sheet, a silicone sheet or a sheet of parchment paper, a brush, a small bowl, two salad bowls, a hand mixer, a spatula, a paring knife, an angled spatula, a circle 18 to 22 cm in diameter, a small saucepan and a whisk.


Step 1 :
Mix the icing sugar, ground almonds and cornstarch in a bowl. Add the butter and mix with a mixer. Gradually add the eggs and finish with the almond milk. Book.

Step 2 :
Prepare the egg, egg yolk and water in a bowl and refrigerate. In a saucepan, pour the sugar and water and bring to a boil then keep off the heat.

Step 3 :
Cut out 2 circles in the puff pastry between 18 and 22 cm in diameter. Place the first disk of dough on a baking sheet covered with a sheet of silicone (or parchment paper). Spread the almond cream and place the second disc of dough. Seal the edges together and score the sides of the galette with a small paring knife. Brush the top lightly with the egg mixture and line the galette nicely for decoration.

Step 4 :
Bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 200°C. At the end of cooking, using your clean brush, spread a thin film of syrup. Let cool.

AVRIL's recipe: Accompany sole meunière with a champagne sauce

For 3dl :

  • 1.5 dl of champagne
  • 1.5 dl fish stock
  • 5 cl of cream
  • 2 shallots, chopped
  • 50g butter
  • Salt, pepper

Preparation :

Sweat the shallots with a small knob of butter. Add the champagne and the fumet. Reduce by 1/4. Add the cream. Reduce the sauce to the correct consistency. Add the rest of the butter flakes, mix, season. This sauce is suitable for all noble fish (turbot, salmon, etc.) and for shellfish (langoustes, langoustines, lobster, prawns).

Good tasting…

Dish to accompany a bottle of Cuvée Solenne Millésime 2013 100% Chardonnay.

Warm oysters with champagne

1st version:

Ingredients :

3 douzaines d' huîtres 

22.5 cl de crème fraîche 

112.5 g de beurre 

22.5 cl de champagne 

6 jaunes d'oeuf 

brin de ciboulette


Preparation :

Open the oysters, remove the shells and filter the water that comes out.

  • 1 - Melt the butter. Add the double cream, 7cl of champagne and about 15cl of filtered water. Poach the oysters in this mix for about 10mn. Drain them and boil down the sauce by half on a low heat.
  • 2 - Whip the egg yolks with 2 soupspoons of champagne. Place in a hot-water bath and make it thicken by whisking it.
  • 3 - Mix this sabayon with the reduced sauce. Add pepper, the chiseled chives and the remaining champagne.
  • 4 - Put the oysters back in the empty shells, cover with sauce and grill it for 3mn under the grill of the oven.
  • 5 - Serve very warm.

2nd version :

Ingredients :

3 dozen of oysters (36)

1 big peeled and sliced shallot

1,5 soupspoon of butter

30cl of champagne

30cl of single cream

½ soupspoon of starch

Salt and white pepper from the mill

Coarse salt

Preparation :

Open the oysters, shell them and filter the returned water.

  • 1 - Preheat the oven grill at 250°C.
  • 2 - Chop the shallot thinly and cook it on a low heat in the butter (no coloring). Pour the champagne and boil it until it is reduced by half. Add the cream and let it simmer for 5mn. Season it, add the starch and mix with a little bit of cold water. Then, cook it on a low heat for a few more minutes.
  • 3 - Open the oysters and detach them from the shell. Dip the oysters in the champagne sauce. Place the oyster shells on a bed of coarse salt in a baking dish.
  • 4 - Fill each shell with the oyster and a little bit of champagne sauce. Grill the oysters for 2mn, just before you serve them.
  • 5 - Serve warm with rye bread.

Optional :
Just before you grill them, sprinkle the oysters with Parmesan or grated gruyere cheese.


34 rue de Verdun - 51700 Vincelles
Home : +33 3 26 58 21 85 - Corinne : +33 6 89 40 99 68 - Sandrine : +33 6 08 07 94 63

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